Select IVF, where the journey to parenthood is guided by compassion, expertise, and cutting-edge fertility solutions. We understand that the dream of starting a family is deeply personal, and we are committed to helping you achieve that dream with the utmost care and professionalism.
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August 3, 2023

Top 10 Best IVF Centre in Mira Road with Highest Success Rate in 2023

For many couples who are desperate to conceive, the journey through infertility is heart-breaking. For those who are struggling with fertility, in-vitro fertilization (IVF) has emerged as a beacon of hope. Mira Street, settled in the lively city of Mumbai, India, is home to various IVF focuses offering state of the art medicines and sympathetic consideration. This article will look at the top 10 best IVF centers in Mira Road to help couples find the best option for having children.

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Why should you trust SELECT IVF for IVF in Mira Road ?

  • First-stage top counselling sessions
  • Premium services and processes
  • Highly competent specialists for IVF treatment in Mira Road
  • Sky-high IVF success rates in Mira Road
  • Contact us Email ID: [email protected]
  • Call us: +91- 9899293903

Understanding IVF and its Significance

Since millions of couples worldwide experience infertility, it is a significant issue for reproductive health. In-vitro fertilization (IVF) has arisen as an earth shattering helped conceptive innovation that offers trust and answers for those attempting to normally imagine. The science behind IVF, how it works, and how important it is in today’s fertility treatments are discussed in depth in this section.

What is IVF?

In-vitro fertilization, regularly known as IVF, is a modern operation that includes the combination of eggs and sperm outside the woman’s body, in a research center climate. “In-vitro” means “in glass,” as the initial examinations were acted in test tubes, and “preparation” implies the most common way of joining the egg and sperm to frame an undeveloped embryo. The subsequent undeveloped embryo is then carefully monitored prior to being moved to the woman’s uterus for implantation and potential pregnancy.

The IVF Process

The IVF process can be divided into several key stages:

  • Ovarian Stimulation: Fertility medications are given to the woman to stimulate the ovaries, resulting in the development of multiple eggs, which increases the likelihood of success.
  • Egg Retrieval: Using a minor surgical procedure known as transvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration, the eggs are removed from the ovaries once they have reached a size that is appropriate for them.
  • Sperm Collection: Around the same time as the egg recovery, the male accomplice gives a semen test, which is then handled to segregate solid and motile sperm.
  • Fertilization: In the research facility, the eggs and sperm are joined, and preparation is allowed to happen normally or through intracytoplasmic sperm infusion (ICSI), where a solitary sperm is straightforwardly infused into the egg.
  • Embryo Culture: The resulting embryos are cultured in a controlled environment for a few days, during which time they undergo crucial developmental stages.
  • Embryo Transfer: After careful evaluation of the embryos, one or more of the healthiest embryos are selected and transferred into the woman’s uterus using a thin catheter.
  • Pregnancy Test: Approximately two weeks after the embryo transfer, a pregnancy test is conducted to determine if the IVF cycle was successful.

Significance of IVF

IVF plays a vital role in addressing various infertility issues and has transformed the lives of countless couples. Its significance stems from the following aspects:

  • Treating Multiple Fertility Issues: IVF can help couples with a range of fertility challenges, such as tubal factor infertility, endometriosis, male factor infertility, ovulation disorders, and unexplained infertility.
  • Increased Success Rates: With progressing headways in clinical technology and expertise, the success rates of IVF have essentially worked on throughout the long term, giving desire to the people who had restricted choices previously.
  • Genetic Screening: Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) is an integral asset utilized in IVF to evaluate undeveloped embryos for hereditary irregularities, lessening the gamble of passing on acquired conditions.
  • LGBTQ+ Family Building: IVF has turned into a significant strategy for same-sex couples and people to accomplish their fantasies of life as a parent using donor eggs, sperm, or gestational transporters.
  • Family Planning Options: IVF allows couples to freeze overflow undeveloped embryos for sometime later, giving them the adaptability to design their family in their own specific manner.
  • Research and Advancements: Future generations will benefit from IVF’s ongoing research and technological advancements in understanding and treating infertility.

In generally, IVF has revolutionized the sector of reproductive medicine, providing renewed desire to those experiencing infertility. Its significance is going beyond biological parenthood, because it empowers people and couples to fulfill their goals of getting a own family. At the same time as IVF might not be an appropriate solution for every person, its incredible success quotes and persisted advancements make it a beacon of wish for many longing to enjoy the pleasure of parenthood.

Factors to Consider when Choosing an IVF Center

When choosing an IVF center, several critical factors should be considered to ensure you receive the best possible care and maximize your chances of a successful outcome. Here are the key factors to keep in mind:

  • Success Rates: One of the most crucial factors is the center’s success rates. Inquire about their live birth success rates per embryo transfer, broken down by age group and specific fertility issues. A center with higher success rates indicates better expertise and experience in handling complex cases.
  • Reputation and Experience: Research the center’s reputation and history in the field of reproductive medicine. Look for patient reviews, testimonials, and success stories. An experienced center with a positive track record is more likely to provide high-quality care.
  • Accreditation and Certification: Ensure that the IVF center is accredited and certified by relevant organizations or government bodies. Accreditation indicates adherence to industry standards and best practices.
  • Expertise of the Medical Team: Learn about the qualifications, experience, and specialization of the center’s medical professionals, including reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, and fertility specialists. A skilled and compassionate team is essential for personalized care.
  • Range of Services: Check the range of fertility services offered by the center. Apart from IVF, they should provide other fertility treatments like IUI, egg freezing, and genetic testing, allowing for a more comprehensive approach to your specific needs.
  • State-of-the-Art Facilities: A well-equipped IVF center with advanced laboratory and diagnostic facilities is critical for accurate assessments and successful treatments.
  • Location and Accessibility: Consider the center’s location and accessibility. Frequent visits may be required during the treatment process, so a conveniently located center can ease the stress of travel.
  • Financial Considerations: IVF treatment can be costly. Inquire about the center’s fees, insurance coverage, and available financial assistance programs.
  • Support and Counseling: Fertility treatments can be emotionally challenging. A center that offers psychological counseling and emotional support can be invaluable during your journey.
  • Patient-Centered Care: Look for a center that prioritizes patient-centered care and offers personalized treatment plans based on your unique medical history and needs.
  • Communication and Transparency: Patients should be able to talk to an open IVF center about their options for treatment, procedures, and potential risks.
  • Follow-up Care: Ask about the middle’s way to deal with follow-up care and support after treatment. Care after treatment is essential for a healthy pregnancy.
  • Ethical Practices: Guarantee the middle adheres to moral rules and keeps up with the best expectations of honesty and patient secrecy.

By considering these factors, you can pursue an educated choice while picking the most reasonable IVF focus that lines up with your prerequisites and gives the most obvious opportunity with regards to satisfying your fantasy of life as a parent.

Top 10 Best IVF Centre in Mira Road

Select IVF

Known for its state-of-the-art facilities and a team of highly experienced fertility specialists, Select IVF stands tall as one of Mira Road’s premier IVF centers. With a focus on evidence-based treatments and patient-centric care, this center boasts an impressive success rate and a reputation for helping couples overcome even the most challenging infertility cases.

Nova IVF Fertility

With its cutting-edge laboratory infrastructure and cutting-edge fertility treatments, Nova IVF Fertility has established itself as a major player in the field of assisted reproductive technologies. The middle highly esteems its individualized treatment plans, offering fitted answers for every patient’s remarkable necessities.

  • Website:

Mira Hospital & IVF Centre

For decades, Mira Hospital & IVF Center has been providing services to the community, developing a reputation as a trustworthy and dependable fertility center. They offer a variety of fertility treatments, including IVF, ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection), and more, and their compassionate team of doctors and support staff has helped numerous couples realize their dreams.

  • Website:

Hope Fertility

Hope Fertility Center has emerged as a popular option for couples seeking fertility treatments in Mira Road due to its dedication to quality care at an affordable price. Their accentuation on guiding and consistent reassurance separates them, guaranteeing patients feel good all through their excursion to being a parent.

  • Website:

Crescent Care

Crescent Care boasts a multidisciplinary team of fertility experts, gynecologists, and embryologists who collaborate to provide comprehensive fertility services. Their patient-centered approach and emphasis on ethical practices have garnered them a loyal clientele.

  • Website:

Blossom Fertility & IVF Centre

Blossom Fertility & IVF Centre takes pride in its modern facilities, patient-friendly environment, and a track record of successful outcomes. The center’s commitment to research and technological advancements positions them as a frontrunner in the IVF landscape.

  • Website:

Sunshine Fertility & IVF Center

Sunshine Fertility & IVF Center combines medical expertise with a compassionate touch to cater to diverse fertility needs. Their team of renowned fertility specialists ensures that patients receive the most up-to-date treatments in a supportive environment.

  • Website:

Harmony Hospital

Harmony Hospital is renowned for its personalized care and a strong focus on ethical practices. The center’s patient reviews often highlight the caring nature of the staff and the dedication of the doctors.

  • Website:

Grace Fertility

Grace Fertility offers an extensive variety of fertility medicines, including IVF, egg freezing, and surrogacy administrations. Patients are aided in making educated decisions regarding their treatment options by their emphasis on transparency and education.

  • Website:

Mera IVF

Mera IVF has collected consideration for its patient-driven approach and accentuation on comprehensive health during fertility medicines. The tranquil setting of the center aims to make patients’ experiences with fertility treatments more pleasant and less stressful.

  • Website:

Cost of IVF in Mira Road

The Cost of IVF in Mira Road varies depending on factors such as clinic reputation, medical requirements, and additional procedures. On average, it ranges from INR 1,00,000 to INR 2,50,000 per cycle. Fertility clinics in Mira Road offer transparent pricing, ensuring patients are aware of all expenses involved, including consultations, medications, laboratory tests, ultrasounds, and the IVF procedure itself. With experienced fertility specialists and state-of-the-art facilities available, individuals and couples can confidently explore IVF as a viable option to overcome infertility challenges and embrace the hope of parenthood.

IVF treatments Cost of IVF treatments 
Basic IVF treatment Rs. 80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with ICSI Rs. 2,00,000 to 3,50,000
IVF with FET Rs. 1,50,000 to 3,00,000
IVF with PESA, TESA, and TESE Rs. 2,50,000 to 5,00,000
IVF with sperm donor programs Rs. 1,00,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with egg donation Rs. 1,80,000 to 2,50,000
IVF with embryo donation Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with surrogacy Rs. 3,50,000 to 5,50,000
IVF with PGS/PGDRs. 1,50,000 to 2,50,000

What is the Success rate IVF treatment provides?

Cost IVF in Mira Road
Cost IVF in Mira Road

The Success rate of IVF in Mira Road is described below and all the different situations have been mentioned. The success rate depends on the ones as per the challenges they are facing. If it can be cured with the help of medication then the couples will get a high success rate. It is recommended that for better information regarding your infertility problem consult with your doctor who will tell you the success rate as per your complication. 

No.IVF treatmentsSuccess rates
a.        IVF with self-eggs50 to 60%
b.       IVF with self-sperm55 to 60%
c.        IVF with donor eggs70 to 75%
d.       IVF with donor sperm73 to 77%
e.       IVF with FET60 to 65%
f.         IVF with ICSI50 to 65%

Your Success rate with IVF in Mira Road will still depend on several variables. Because some couples are older than others, this affects their odds. because producing healthy gametes becomes difficult as people age. Additionally, inadequate gametes during the IVF procedure can result in a failed IVF. So, for a successful outcome, you need healthy gametes. Instances include:

  1. Women who are 45 years or older have a 15–20% probability.
  2. Women who are 40 years or older have a 20–21% probability.
  3. Women who are 35 years or older have a 25–28% probability.
  4. Women who are 30 years or older have a 33–35% probability.
  5. Women who are 25 years or older have a 40–50% probability.

What should you consider when selecting the top IVF Clinic in Mira Road?

Best IVF Centre in Mira Road
Best IVF Centre in Mira Road

We understand how difficult it becomes to select the best option for your infertility treatment but do not get tense as one of the best options is going to suggest to you where the patient collaborates with highly experienced and qualified doctors. The patient will find it comfortable as the staff will always stand by them away from all the quarries that come to their mind. We offer all types of infertility treatment so contact us today! To start, consider the following factors while selecting a location:

i. The patient-focused assistance of the centre

ii. Professionals with extensive education and experience

iii. Infrastructure that is well-built for maximum comfort and happiness

iv. The entire medical staff treats you with respect

v. Assists you throughout the entire process from the beginning

vi. Offers transparent fees and processes

You have the option of choosing IVF for all of these! So, reach out to us at +91- 9899293903 | Email ID: [email protected]

👇👇👇 Want Get Pregnant at any Age? Feel Free to Book Appointment 👇👇👇


    Taking everything into account, the excursion to life as a parent through IVF is both energizing and testing. Picking the right IVF centre is a critical stage towards making progress in this undertaking. With a complete rundown of the top 10 best IVF centers in Mira Road, this article expects to engage couples with trust and information in their quest for building a family. Remember, every child born is a testament of the marvels that IVF can accomplish with empathy, care, and expertise.


    What is IVF, and how does it work?

    IVF stands for in-vitro fertilization, a fertility treatment where eggs and sperm are combined outside the body, and resulting embryos are transferred to the uterus for implantation.

    What makes the Best IVF Centre in Mira Road stand out?

    Our center boasts state-of-the-art facilities, a team of experienced fertility specialists, high success rates, personalized care, and a supportive environment for patients.

    How are the success rates determined?

    Success rates are calculated based on the number of successful pregnancies achieved through IVF treatments at our center over a specific period, considering various factors like age, medical history, and infertility causes.

    What services does the IVF Centre offer?

    Our comprehensive range of services includes IVF, ICSI, egg freezing, embryo freezing, donor egg/sperm options, fertility diagnostics, and counseling support throughout the treatment journey.

    What sets the Best IVF Centre apart in terms of patient care?

    We prioritize individualized care, clear communication, and emotional support for couples, ensuring they feel comfortable and informed at every step of the treatment process.

    Are there any financial options or insurance coverage for IVF treatment?

    We offer flexible financial plans and work with various insurance providers to assist patients in finding suitable payment options for their IVF treatment.

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